Attract, retain and support women on your team. When it matters most to them.

Khyria offers women the knowledge and tools to track their progress towards symptom relief and lasting health. In midlife, menopause and onwards.

Lead the way and change the narrative for midlife women in the workplace

Symptoms interfere with
work performance

Every week for 40% of women and every day for 20% of women

Women suffer
in silence

87% of women don’t speak to their manager or employer about their symptoms

With serious

Women leaders are 1.5x as likely to leave as men at their level and 1 in 4 women feel career development is negatively impacted

Cost of untreated symptoms

More than $1346 in direct care expenses per year and more than $770 more in productivity losses

Lack of adequate care

One menopause expert per every 50,000 women - compared to 1 OB/GYN per 159 reproductive age women in the US

Active search for solutions

50% of women who experience symptoms actively seek solutions. The vast majority are open to tech solutions

Redefining how women access and plan for lasting health

Increase engagement among women on your team

Help your women thrive with access to knowledge, tools and 1:1 coaching, that positively impact their mental and physical health, now and in the future.

An intuitive and evidence backed solution to address their symptoms

With Khyria, women can troubleshoot and alleviate symptoms from fatigue to brain fog and mood swings. Women identify goals relevant to them and access personalized programs and prompts based on their biology.

Simple integration with existing solutions, supported by experts

With a phased approach, you get support each step of the way, from onboarding and communications, to tracking engagement. Khyria supports women's relationship with their existing health care providers, complementing current care options.

Khyria follows the evidence based guidelines of the North American Menopause Society and The International Menopause Society. Our tools and programs are consistent with the standard of care followed by certified menopause practitioners.